Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Amazing what you find when you 'Google yourself'

Rex the surf dog and me!This was something I forgot all about.
I was sitting on the beach in Hawaii shooting the pipeline bodyboard contest when this nice lady walked over and started to chat. People usually come over for a quick chat about my camera and sometimes want to look through it while asking what kind of zoom it is.
When there was a quick break in the action, she asked if i would pose with her dog thing which she would post on her blog. Before I could even pull my best 'blue steel' SNAP! the photo was taken and she was gone.
Im not the best looking fella on the best of days but geez this shot really is a shocker ha ha

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Daily Telegraph UK Lee Kelly in colour!

This was a huge surprise today. I was just sent this copy of the Daily Telegraph UK print version.
My friend Tom Bunting surfing his home break of Tamarama in Sydney being seen by millions of people in England.
Very excited!

REALLLLY lost in translation!!!

You have got to click this link
amazing story
It actually made my whole body hurt with laughter. Im not sure what language it was meant to be however it reads like it was taken straight out of medieval times!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

And breaking news in India...

India Times

Who wouldve thunked it???

Lost in translation


The crew at bonjourlife did a little write up on my photography and i was pleased to read what they had to say. Its funny how different languages translate um, differently. Pretty funny.

cheque is in the mail.


Here is something I wasnt expecting. One of Englands biggest newspapers have run an article on my surf photography!!!
Pretty cool.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New POV clip from www.sportscamera.com.au

Check out this clip I just made of Wylie Moyes testing some new POV cameras for our friends at www.sportscamera.com.au
shot on location in;
Wylie Moyes for www.sportscamera.com.au from lee kelly on Vimeo.